Le Puma Sky uscirono nel 1983 e nei primi anni ’80 vennero considerate la miglior scarpa da basket dagli addetti ai lavori, superiori addirittura alle celebrate Air Jordan 1. Tiny Archibald e Ralph Sampson furono tra i loro maggiori endorser e insieme alle Clyde, misero Puma sulla mappa.
Puma Skys dropped in 1983 and in the first ‘80s were considered by insiders the best basketball sneaker available, better even than the boasted Air Jordan 1’s. Tiny Archibald and Ralph Sampson were the major endorsers and, together with the Clydes, put Puma on the map.
G-Rating: 30%
Iconicity: 70%
Hype: 35%
Comfort: 70%
Flex: 40%
Availability: 90%