La prima scarpa da basket a taglio alto di Nike, brand nato nel 1972 dalla dipartita di Blue Ribbon Sports da Onitsuka Tiger, dalle menti di Bill Bowerman e Phil Knight. Da subito ai piedi delle Università di Oregon e Washington, oltre ai Portland Trailblazers. Baffo cicciotto oggetto di culto.
Nike’s first high top basketball shoe, brand born in 1972 from the departure of Blue Ribbon Sports from Onitsuka Tiger, from the minds of Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. Immediately on feet of Universities of Oregon and Washington, beyond Portland Trailblazers. Fat swoosh, cult object.
G-Rating: 65%
Iconicity: 80%
Hype: 60%
Comfort: 55%
Flex: 30%
Availability: 80%