Prima di fondare nel 1876 l’omonima compagnia, Albert Goodwill Spalding è stato un giocatore di baseball e Hall of Famer coi Boston Red Stockings e Chicago White Stockings (dove è diventato, poi, manager). Dopo aver realizzato il primo pallone da basket, le Deluxe SS sono state la risposta del marchio a Converse.
Before founding the namesake company in 1876, Albert Goodwill Spalding was a baseball player and Hall of Famer with Boston Red Stockings and Chicago White Stockings (where he became a manager). After designing the first basketball, Deluxe SS were the brand’s answer to Converse.
G-Rating: 40%
Iconicity: 55%
Hype: 25%
Comfort: 40%
Flex: 30%
Availability: 20%