Puma decise, 10 anni dopo l’uscita delle Basket, di presentare una loro versione potenziata. Uscirono così le Super Basket, supportate dallo slogan “Should you wear Puma?” pronunciato da Bobby Jones, 8 volte NBA All-Defensive first-team coi Denver Nuggets e i Philadelphia 76ers.
Puma decided, 10 years after releasing the Basket, to present an enhanced version of them. Then the Super Basket was released, supported by the statement “Should you wear Puma?”, said by Bobby Jones, eight-time NBA All-Defensive first-team with the Denver Nuggets and Philadelphia 76ers.
G-Rating: 50%
Iconicity: 50%
Hype: 40%
Comfort: 60%
Flex: 40%
Availability: 40%